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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Lewis

Welcome to Online Learning Music Survey

Hello! Welcome to Online Music Learning! I want to start by saying I am missing all of my students! I hope you are all doing great and enjoying some much needed rest. Second, I want you all to know that I believe music is incredibly important, and that it can really be of great use right now! Music helps the brain stay sharp, connects as humans, and allows us to express our emotions. That said, it is not my goal to stress you out! I will be posting lots of live classes and activities online. Each activity will be geared to a grade level or a group of grade levels. Please pick the ones you want to do the most, you don't have to do them all. Try and do one musical activity a week. Remember, if you want to get an awesome brain and immune boost, try singing along to your favorite songs. I will be posting video links and resources here on this web page, and also doing live sessions via facebook's west page.

Now, I really want to know from each you what kind of musical activities and lessons you would like for me to focus on making. Can you answer some of these questions for me in the comments on the blog?

1. Do you have any musical instruments at home?

2. Do you have access to youtube? Google play? Video apps?

3. Do you have a tablet to play games on?

4. What kind of instrument lessons are you most interested in learning about? Guitar? Piano? Dulcimer? Hand bells? Xylophones? Other?

5. What are your favorite styles of music? (Classical, folk, rock, etc)

6. What kinds of music do your parents listen to?

7. Do you have access at home to a microphone? Speaker?

8. What do you want to be when you grow up?

9. Are you interested in being in music in the future? (Are you considering band or chorus or drama class in middle school?)

Thanks and I hope to see you all soon! Stay safe, Mrs. Lewis.

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